Data SGP
Data sgp is a database of information about student growth in academic achievement. It is used by many educational organizations to assess the effectiveness of schools, teachers, and school leaders. It can also help parents make decisions about the best schools for their children. The information is regularly updated and can be accessed from the internet for free. It is based on a wide range of sources and is easy to use. The data sgp is also useful for research and analysis. It can be accessed by using the free software program R, which is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux.
The SGP is a measurement of relative academic progress, a number on a scale of 1-99 that indicates how much a student has improved over time compared to other students with similar test scores. The higher the number, the greater a student’s relative progress. The SGP is calculated by DESE by comparing a student’s most recent assessment score to his or her test score on the previous grade-level MCAS exam. It is calculated for ELA and mathematics for grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, and science for grade 10. SGPs are a key element of the new accountability system that replaces unadjusted test score gains with a combination of growth measures.
A major reason why the SGPs are so important is that they provide an alternative to existing accountability systems that rely solely on test score gains and teacher evaluations based only on unadjusted test score gains. The SGPs provide a more accurate measure of a student’s achievement than raw test score gains, and they are less prone to the pitfalls of over-reliance on a single, high-stakes test.
Our results further indicate that the relationships between true SGPs and student characteristics are very strong at the individual level. This creates a significant problem for interpreting estimated SGPs aggregated to the teacher or school level, as these estimates may contain a substantial component of variance that is due to student characteristics and not purely to measurement error.
The sgpData_WIDE data set contains anonymized panel data for 5 years of annual, vertically scaled assessments. The first column, ID, provides a unique student identifier and the next five columns contain the assessment scores associated with that student for each of the 5 years in question. Missing values are shown as NA. The SGP package includes a vignette that explains how to use the data for various analyses. It is recommended that you read this vignette for more detailed instructions on how to use the data. If you plan on running SGP analyses operationally year after year, you are likely better off formatting the data in the LONG format as opposed to WIDE as this will simplify future preparation and storage. The higher level functions, such as studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections, are designed to work with the LONG format, not the WIDE format. In most cases, you will be able to run the same analyses using either format, but LONG has numerous advantages for operational deployments.