The Basics of Domino
Domino is one of those games that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is also an extremely versatile game, allowing players to create intricate domino constructions, from simple lines to stacked walls and 3D structures. Some of these creations take several nail-biting minutes to fall, but once they do, they provide a spectacle that is both captivating and impressive. Domino can be played in a variety of ways, with a wide range of rules and strategies. Nearly all of the most popular domino games fit into four categories: bidding games, blocking games, scoring games, and round games.
The basic rules for most domino games are the same, although some of these rules vary from region to region. When a player makes a play, the tile must be placed on the table positioning it so that the pips of the open end match those of the domino being counted. This is called the line of play. In most games, doubles (and only doubles) are played crosswise, while singles are played lengthwise.
Most domino sets contain a maximum of 28 tiles. However, some larger sets are available which increase the maximum number of pips on an end. These enlarged ends are called “extended” and allow more dominoes to be used. There are also a few specialized types of dominoes, such as the double-nine, which has 55 tiles, and the double-12, which has 91 tiles.
Many of the more complicated domino games require a line of play to be set up on the table. The player must then place his or her dominoes so that they touch the ends of this line. In this case, the player may only play a tile that has a matching number showing on both its open ends. If a player plays a domino with only one of its matching numbers on an end, it is considered a misplay and must be recalled.
In some games, players must place their tiles so that they form a circular pattern on the table. These games are usually referred to as round games and can be very competitive and exciting. Some of these games have been adapted for use in competitions such as the World Domino Championships.
Whether you are a panster, writing by the seat of your pants, or a plotter, utilizing the domino effect in your novel will help you to keep the story moving along. The idea behind this concept is that every scene is a domino that naturally influences the next scene. This concept can be especially useful for pansters, as without a detailed outline, it is easy to write scenes that are at the wrong angle or don’t have enough logical impact on the scene ahead of them. For example, if your protagonist is investigating a mystery and uncovers important clues that don’t get reflected in the next scene, something is amiss. A little domino effect will help your story stay focused and interesting.