The Basics of Domino
Domino is a game that involves the use of squares with dots. These can be arranged in straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, or even 3D structures like towers and pyramids. Regardless of how elaborate or simple you want your domino track to be, the process is the same. Start by drawing out your design on paper and then calculating how many dominoes you’ll need. Once you have all the dominoes you need, arrange them in a way that you’ll be able to follow your arrows when it comes time to play.
The first domino that is played is called the set, down or lead. This is also the first domino to be matched with another tile. This creates the line of play, and when a player plays his or her tile, it is joined to this line, usually to the right or left depending on the rules of the specific domino game being played. If a player makes a mistake, it is often considered a misplay and must be recalled.
During the course of a game, players will draw dominoes from a stock until there are no more available to play. The person who draws the heaviest tile will make the first play. If a tie exists, it is broken by the drawing of new dominoes from the stock, which will then be passed and byed (see Passing and Bying) according to the rules of the particular game being played.
As the dominoes are played, a line is formed that is sometimes called the string, layout or line of play. It is this chain of tiles that is used to determine a winner. The basic instructions for most domino games are listed on this website under Line of Play.
Most dominoes have a double-sided surface that shows pips on both sides. These pips can vary in value from six pips up to none or blank. The total value of all the pips on a domino is its rank. The higher the rank, the more valuable the domino.
When one domino topples over, it sets off a chain reaction that can extend for miles. The reason that this happens is because the domino carries a potential energy that is released when it crashes into the next domino. This is known as the Domino Effect.
In writing, the Domino Effect can be a helpful tool for plotting a story. As a writer, you can use the Domino Effect to help readers understand the logic behind your character’s decisions and actions. For example, if you write a scene that is immoral, such as your hero shooting someone or having an affair, the Domino Effect will cause your readers to either believe that the action is justified or at least understand why this behavior is not against societal norms. This can give your readers the permission they need to continue following your hero. The Domino Effect can also be used to create a conflict that your hero must overcome.