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The Best Prizes in Singapore

singapore prize

A prize is a sum of money or recognition that is awarded for an achievement in a particular field, such as science, sports, art, or education. The winners are usually selected based on criteria laid out in a competition. The winnings are usually accompanied by media coverage and other perks, which can give the winner a major boost to their career or cause. Some notable prizes include the Nobel Prize, the TED Prize, and the Singapore Prize. The latter is a biennial award that recognises Singaporean authors for their published works in Chinese, English, and Malay. The winners of the Singapore Prize receive a cash prize and an engraved trophy.

A global environmental prize founded by Britain’s Prince William will hold its awards ceremony in Singapore this month. The Earthshot prize, founded in 2020, is aimed at supporting innovative projects that aim to tackle climate change and protect the planet. The winners of this year’s edition will receive GBP 1 million, a sum that organisers hope will act as “a propeller” to help them accelerate their plans and bring about visible effects on the planet. The awards will also feature performances by world-renowned musicians and artists.

The 2021 Singapore Literature Prize (abbreviated SLP) recognises published works by Singaporean writers in any of the country’s four official languages – Chinese, English, Malay, and Tamil. The finalists were chosen from a shortlist of 12 books by an independent jury, and the winners received cash prizes and trophies. Some of the winners were first-time winners, including Tamil writers rma cureess and Jee Leong Koh.

This year’s judges for the Vogue Singapore x BMW Innovation Prize selected eight teams from a pool of more than 63 entries, with each shortlisted team receiving media coverage in Vogue and mentorship advice from industry leaders. The winners, who will be announced later this month, will receive a monetary prize and exposure to potential investors who can help them turn their ideas into successful business models. The winning team will also receive a spot at the SG Breakthrough Summit, which will be held in October.

Architect Tan Kay Ngee has been awarded the 2019 Singapore Prize, one of the top three prizes in the category of architecture. The prize, which was presented by the Urban Redevelopment Authority on Monday, lauds him for his exemplary body of work in Singapore and globally. This includes his rich contributions as an educator, designer, and writer. The jurors described him as a “visionary architect with an exceptional talent in his field, a true renaissance man” who has been at the forefront of shaping modern Singapore. He is the founder of architectural firm Kay Ngee Tan Architects, and has worked on a range of buildings, including the Old Bukit Timah railway station. He has also written extensively on the arts and architecture, and has taught at various universities. The jury recognised his rich contribution to the community and his tireless efforts to promote Singapore architecture overseas.