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The Falling Domino Principle


Dominoes are a family of tile-based games. Each domino tile is rectangular in shape, and has two square ends, each marked with a certain number of spots. The aim of domino play is to move all the dominos to the bottom. If you manage to knock them all down, you’ve won the game. If you’re not familiar with the game, then read on to learn more about the rules, variations, and the falling domino principle.


The game of domino was invented in the early 18th century in France and Italy, and came to England as a prison game. The objective of the game is to remove all dominoes from your hand by yelling “Domino!” The game ends when you can no longer play dominoes on your hand or when your opponent has blocked you from adding another tile. The winner of the game adds his pips to his opponents’ and subtracts his own.

The rules of domino are surprisingly simple to follow. There are several basic principles that every player must follow. First, each player must play one single tile, one double tile, or one triple tile. In some games, one player can take a tile back if the opposite player discovers it before he or she can play it. In the event of a misplay, the player who took back a tile scores the difference of the two tiles. If the tiles are all the same color, the game ends.


The game of domino has many regional variations. The traditional game of two players with seven dominoes is known as five-up, or just dominoes. Players score points by placing a tile on an opponent’s tile. There are also five-up variants that use five-colored tiles, such as Domino Whist and Double Fives. Another popular variation is called “Crazy,” where players can place a single-colored domino on top of another, and allow branches of different colors to be placed on top.

There are many different variations of domino, including some that allow for the placement of doubles, which can act as “spinners” and allow a player to block the line of play in one direction. The line of play is the configuration of the dominoes in play, and most variants begin with a single tile in the middle. After this, players take turns placing matching domino halves on top of each other. A domino with four exposed ends scores twenty-five points.

Variations of the game

The rules for different versions of the game vary widely. Some have a single tile in play, while others are trick-taking games. Most of these games are adaptations of card games, which were popular in the past. In some areas, dominoes were a way around religious prohibitions against playing cards. Other popular variations include Domino Whist, Double Fives, Mexican Train, and Texas 42. In Britain, the game is known as Fives and Threes.

The basic game of dominoes involves two players. Players each choose seven tiles from a double-six set of tiles. By placing a tile on an opponent’s tile, you score a point. Another variation is called five-up. Five-Up uses a set of multicolored tiles, and includes a spinner tile. The Crazy game uses single-colored tiles and allows for branches of different colors.

The falling domino principle

President Eisenhower subscribed to the concept of the “falling domino principle” on at least two occasions over the past few months. His news conference on April 7 detailed the strategic value of Indo-China. Losing Indo-China meant losing Burma, Thailand, and Australia. This, he said, was not a good outcome. Ultimately, Indo-China was lost and the war ended with the victorious surrender of the French at Dien Bien Phu.

After the fall of China, Eisenhower said that Indochina would follow suit. Despite the fact that Indochina lies just south of China, it is not as densely populated and only 2 percent as large as China. The fall of China did not make Burma inevitable, but it did contribute to its eventual demise. In the end, it is the free nations that have the final say, not the communists.