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What is Data Hk?

Data hk is a collection of information about an individual, or about groups or organizations that are identifiable. The information may include name, address, e-mail address, phone number, credit card or bank account details, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political opinions, religion, and other personal characteristics. It can also include online identifiers, such as IP address or cookies. This data can be used to identify, contact or track an individual. It can also be used for marketing, research and analysis purposes. Data hk is regulated by law in Hong Kong, and is subject to the Hong Kong Personal Data Protection Ordinance (PDPO).

The basic position under statutory and common law in the Hong Kong SAR is that an individual who makes his or her personal data available for use does not automatically consent to having it used for other purposes. However, anyone who collects an individual’s personal data must comply with the requirements of the PDPO and, in particular, Data Protection Principle 1 and Data Protection Principle 3.

This means that individuals can ask for access to the personal information that has been collected about them. They can then challenge the accuracy of the information or request that it be deleted. They can also request that their data be used only for the purpose for which it was collected or to be transferred to a third party for a specified purpose.

If an individual requests access to their personal data, the organisation must respond within 30 days. It must also provide them with a copy of the information in a format that is easy to understand. It must explain how it intends to use the data and give the individual a choice to opt out of its processing of their data.

In addition to the privacy principles, the PDPO requires that organisations must protect data by having security and backup procedures in place. These must be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that they are effective. Organisations must also train their employees on how to handle and protect data.

Hong Kong is one of the most carrier-dense network hubs in Asia and is home to many global and regional companies, including a high concentration of enterprises, networks and IT service providers. Equinix’s colocation facilities in the city connect customers into this rich industry ecosystem and offer a range of interconnection services to support their digital supply chain needs.